Father’s Day

For this project, the client wanted to start with a series of nine social posts for Father’s Day and create an animated email graphic to go along with the social series. What says Father’s Day more than dad jokes?

The social series is created to work individually on the Instagram timeline, but when visiting the client’s Instagram feed, it also flows together as a series. The client utilizes animated email banners to pique the reader’s interest. Each Instagram series has an email that goes along with it, sharing the same look/feel.

For this social series, I chose to feature five of the client’s products telling a related dad joke and for the other five, I used a mustache made of coffee beans. For the animated email banner, the numbered beans were too busy and repetitive, so I used movement to illustrate the process instead.

In the email animation, dad jokes would be too much for a reader to view in the animation, so I kept the overall feel, but utilized bags of coffee along with photos of dads and their children.

For this project, photoshop was used to create the animation.